The faith build is one of the more unique options for characters to use in Dark Souls 3. This manual will teach you everything you need to know to use it properly.
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Some players of Dark Souls mistakenly believe that faith builds are completely useless. Therefore, I will explain in this guide why faith builds in Dark Souls 3 are effective, and why pure faith builds, which Soul Farming can further strengthen. This build’s emphasis is on miracles, so its equipment and statistics reflect that. So, in that light, let me explain how to Develop Your Belief In Dark Souls 3.
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You should know going in that this build is not for everyone and calls for a specific playstyle. Some players favor the quality build, which allows them to collect more embers and deal more critical strikes, while others prefer the luck build.
Let’s not dally any longer and get down to business on the have faith in the third installment of the Dark Souls series.
Dark Souls 3 – Faith Build
Creation of Dark Souls 3 by Belief
Let’s begin with a discussion of the tools and attributes you’ll need to maximize your miracle’s effectiveness, and then move on to the various possible builds. The amount of faith you invest determines the strength and effectiveness of your miracles. If you want to go all out on your faith, you should aim for a level between 50 and 60.
Choosing a Starting Class
Pyromancers are fantastic for bolstering one’s faith.
Clerics have the highest faith stat at the beginning of the game, making them the best starting class for the faith build. Having said that, I still wouldn’t advise picking the cleric profession. If you’re looking for more variety, though, the pyromancer class is a better option, with 14 faith and 14 intelligence (both of which we’ll need for our setup).
The early game is particularly challenging because most of the effective miracles don’t appear until later in the game. The pyro class allows you to infuse your melee weapons with flame to help you survive the early game and unlock the game’s better miracles.
Chimes and Talismans
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Invaluable are chimes and talismans.
We have now reached the discussion of two of the most important parts of the faith build: chimes and talismans. Miracles can be casted with these very implements. Both of these items can be accessed in the original Dark Souls. Both are playable in Dark Souls 3, giving you more options for customizing your character.
The different forms of weaponry make a difference, but chimes are generally more powerful. Talismans, on the other hand, are much more viable and practical, so this doesn’t mean that charms are weaker.
Keep the chimes’ weapon art in either hand, and your health will slowly regenerate thanks to the weapon art’s self-regen buff. The talisman’s weapon art stands out from the crowd as the best in all of Dark Souls 3. If the miracle school of magic had access to a wider range of spells, it would quickly rise to prominence. Because there isn’t much to choose from, fewer people use it.
When using the talisman’s weapon art, you gain tremendous composure and can continue casting even if you take damage. No other social stratum has access to such opulence. It allows you to continue trading blows and dealing significant damage to foes even after taking damage yourself.
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Canvas talisman is great for this build because it grants the user a ton of poise, which in turn reduces stagger. Besides being very graceful, it also does quite a bit of damage.
The rings you should equip to complete this build are next. A 12% increase to miracle damage can be yours with the Morne’s ring, which can be found on the path of sacrifices. The damage boost isn’t all that great, but it’s great to get so early in the game.
Adding the Sun’s First-Born ring to the stack provides a massive increase in damage. The Sage ring is another pivotal piece of jewelry. It slows your cast speed considerably and increases your spellcasting speed. When using so many miracles, the Darkmoon ring becomes essential. This ring provides the wearer with two additional spell slots, increasing the player’s options.
Let’s move on to the meat and potatoes of any faith build: the spells.
Damaging Spells
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Conquering your foes is easier when you have access to spells.
The lightning spear, the great lightning spear, and the sunlight spear will be discussed in detail as they are the cornerstones of this build. The third option is the weakest of the three spells. These spells, especially the sunlight spear, are designed for use at great distances. You can obliterate your foes with its damage, and since you have the advantage of range, you can hurl lightning spears at them without fear of retaliation.
The sunlight spear’s major drawback is its heavy reliance on focus points, which necessitates a large quantity of Ashen Estus flasks. Due to its predictable trajectory, the sunlight spear is easy to avoid in PvP encounters. Fortunately, all we have to do to counter it is exchange blows with our opponent and cast the spell when attacked. If you and your opponent engage in a damage exchange, you will always come out on top if you use the sunlight spear.
The lightning storm is the last destructive spell I will discuss today. It’s obtainable in Firelink Shrine after you’ve defeated the nameless king and bought his soul. The nameless king is a very challenging optional endgame boss, so obtaining this spell may take a lot of time and effort. This spell’s area of effect is enormous, making it difficult for players to anticipate and avoid it. It takes a while to cast, but the poise weapon art can help you avoid being stunned during the process. Furthermore, you can practically one-shot your opponent by following up with the sunlight spear. In addition, if you time it right, this spell can deal multiple hits, instantly killing your foes.
Utility Spells
You won’t find better ally spells in all of Dark Souls 3 than the ones available to the faith build. The great magic barrier is also very helpful, as it prevents the player from taking any magical damage for a short period of time.
Additional options include the use of deep protection spells. Both your offense and defense have been bolstered, making you more difficult to kill. Additionally, it improves these qualities for any white ghosts you call up in close proximity to you. Last but not least, shedding tears of denial is like having an extra life in the event of death; it will make the game much easier.
The lightning stake from the flaming lake is the next magical item on our list to examine. The spell’s damage and utility far outweigh those of the sunlight spear. The one drawback is that its effectiveness is limited to the near term. You can use this to your advantage by casting the spell whenever an enemy is in close proximity to you in order to deal massive area-of-effect damage and knock them unconscious. This spell can be thought of as a utility spell due to its ability to temporarily stun enemies.
Dark Souls 3 features a robust and engaging multiplayer mode.
I can see how the faith build wouldn’t work for everyone, but I think it’s worth a shot even if it doesn’t. The most damage can be done with around 60 faith and 30 intelligence. If you use the above parameters, you will end up with the best possible faith build. This design is the result of countless iterations.
If you’re looking to switch things up in your game and have some fun, I encourage you to give this build a shot. Thereby concluding the manual on Dark Souls 3’s faith-based development community finalizes; it’s over; it’s over. Describe in the comments your preferred construction methods.
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