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Based on our experience playing the game and the current meta, we’ve compiled the following Quickmatch Tier List for Heroes of the Storm.
Bạn đang xem: Best Tank In Heroes Of The Storm, Best Healers And Tank Worth Mastering

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The best Heroes of the Storm heroes for the current meta are listed in this tier list.
Ordered List of Heroes of the Storm
For the current meta, we’ve compiled a list of the best Heroes of the Storm players can use. The Heroes of the Storm Tier List for Ranked Play is updated regularly and is meant to rank Heroes according to their relative strength in the current meta and their value in climbing for the vast majority of players. Heroes that aren’t Tier S or A aren’t bad, even if they’re niche or balanced.
![]() A Guide to Death from the Wings |
![]() The Kael’thas Guide |
A Tier
These Heroes are slightly more powerful than average, but only a select few truly shine.
![]() Ana Guide |
![]() To the Anduin: A Guide |
![]() A Trail Blazing Guide |
![]() The Guide Chen |
![]() Reference Manual of the Dehaka |
![]() Tome del E.T.C. |
![]() Tutorial: Garrosh |
![]() To the Gul’dan! |
![]() Guide Hanzo |
![]() A Guide to the Empire |
![]() Directions for Johanna Guide |
![]() The Lunara Companion |
![]() |
![]() Directional Map by Raynor |
![]() Guide Fenix |
![]() Companion to Theoretical Study |
![]() Directions for Malfurion |
![]() A Guide to the City of Muradin |
![]() Reference Manual for Tassadar |
![]() As Told by Tychus’s Guide |
B Tier
Generally speaking, these Heroes are a safe bet.
![]() Instruction Manual of the Abathur |
![]() To the Alarak Guide |
![]() Guide to Alexstrasza |
![]() Reference Manual of Anub’arak |
![]() Guide, Arthas |
![]() A Guidance From Auriel |
![]() Insights from the Cassia |
![]() Guide Deckard |
![]() The Official Diablo III Strategy Guide |
![]() Falstad’s Guide |
![]() Introduction to the Genji Canon |
![]() This is the Greymane Guide. |
![]() Insights from the Hogger’s Guide |
![]() Guide, Jaina |
![]() A Guide to Junkrat |
![]() Kerrigan’s Instructional Manual |
![]() Guide Li Li |
![]() A Guide to Li-Ming |
![]() Guide Lucio |
![]() A Guide to the Maiev |
![]() A Guide to Mal’Ganis |
![]() A Guide to Malthael |
![]() A Guide to Mephisto |
![]() The Orphean Handbook |
![]() The Qhira Companion |
![]() The Ragnaros Handbook |
![]() Reference Manual of Rehgar |
![]() The Rexxar Guide |
Manual for Stitches |
![]() Tutorial on Stukov’s Methods |
![]() Advice from Sonya Guide |
![]() A Guide to Sylvanas |
![]() Advice for Thrall |
Instruction Manual |
![]() Reference Manual for White People |
![]() Manual of Yrel |
![]() A Guide to Zarya |
![]() A Guide from the Zeratul |
![]() The Zul’jin Manual |
C Tier
These Heroes aren’t quite as powerful as the average hero, but in the right hands, they can still accomplish their goals.
![]() A Guide by Arthanis |
A Guide to Azmodan |
Flying Light Companion |
Timeline Companion |
Veterans Administration Handbook |
![]() Guide Gazlowe |
![]() A Guide to Illidan |
Instructions for Kharazim |
The Kel’thuzad Handbook |
![]() Morales, Lt. |
![]() A Guide to Mediation |
![]() Using the Nazeebo |
How to Use the Nova Guide |
Guide Samuro |
![]() The Sgt. Hammer’s Official Field Reference |
![]() Learn How to Watch T.L.V. |
![]() To Follow a Trail |
![]() Tyrian’s Guide |
![]() Guide Tyrande |
![]() A Guide to Valeera |
![]() Map of Valla |
![]() Reference Manual for the Varian Method |
![]() Xul Guide |
![]() Instructions for the Zagara |
D Tier
Xem thêm : Current Best Backstab Weapon Dark Souls 3 ? (For Riposte/Backstab)
These heroes, who are generally regarded as weak, will have to put in more effort than average to achieve their goals.
A Cho’gall Field Guide |
Discouraging Handbook |
Guide of Probius |
Meat Cutter’s Reference |
Shifts in the Tier System
⬆Gazlowe was demoted to the second-to-lowest status level. After his overhaul, he now has a more generalist toolkit and can compete effectively as a bruiser in the thick of the action.
Descriptions of Heroes
In-depth knowledge of your HotS heroes.
S Tier A TierB TierC TierD Tier
Deathwing: Deathwing is a formidable foe due to its potent abilities, large health pool, and thick armor. However, in the heat of a teamfight, it can be difficult to play around his powerful abilities because of how slow and predictable they are. Deathwing will have four allies who can help peel or kill his enemies, even if they are protected by heroes who can deal massive damage to high health targets. |
Kael’thas: Being able to keep Living Bombs active on enemies and apply constant pressure to their team means that they will be forced to disperse. Once your team makes a move, he can counter with a stun of his own, completely turning the tables on them. Don’t discount the value of making your enemies avoid Living Bombs. |
Abathur: Unique skill set, specialized players. The Symbiote hats have a significant global presence. Some S maps with the right companions. |
Alarak:With his abilities, Alarak can displace foes and deal devastating burst damage. Although he can be played solo, he is at his best when roaming with his team, where he can more effectively follow up on CC or pull enemies into range of his allies’ CC. |
Ana: A long-range, sustain healer who can sit out of the action and still have a significant impact. In most situations, she can sit back and relax as a healer thanks to her long range, but she should be wary of heroes like Genji and Tracer who can easily outrun their allies and force them to peel for her. |
Anduin: He has the ability to follow up on CC with his own root, and his sustained healing is so powerful that it can save an ally from certain death. |
Blaze: Extremely powerful waves that can wash over their own. His attacks may not set the world on fire, but they still pack a punch. Because of his Oil Spills, he can easily corner his enemies in an unfavorable area of the battlefield. A well-placed Combustion or Bunker can destroy the enemy and save his team. He is a dynamic and entertaining Hero with considerable strength. |
Chen: Infuriating to have to deal with as an enemy. Because of his Stagger and Fortifying Brew, he can cause havoc from the safety of the enemy backline without fear of being eliminated. |
Dehaka: In skilled hands, Dehaka is an excellent option. Burrow’s mobility and ability to soak multiple lanes before he needs to arrive in a team fight can provide a significant experience advantage for your team. He is a very potent secondary “tank” on large objective-based Battlegrounds, thanks to the benefits of Isolation and Adaptation. |
E.T.C: An exceptionally adaptable tank that can be used in a wide variety of formations. He can maintain himself, engage effectively, peel, gain armor on demand, go global if necessary, etc. |
Garrosh: A terrifying presence in the front lines, able to move enemies around to better position themselves for a kill or to peel for allies. The weaker races that aren’t part of the True Horde have a hard time killing him because of his armor. |
Guldan: Because of his high self-sustain and fantastic wave clear, Gul’dan is a powerful mage. He may not have the explosiveness of Kael’thas or the potential for exponential growth like Li-Ming, but he more than makes up for it with his consistent, unwavering output. While the use of Healthstone and Demonic Circle can help him escape dangerous situations, Horrify can still be used to turn team fights. |
Hanzo:There aren’t many weaknesses to Hanzo, who is a powerful ranged DPS. He deals significant damage from a distance, can scout with Sonic Arrow, and can start team fights with Dragon’s Arrow. |
Imperius: Imperius is a great pick thanks to his amazing Heroic, large health pool, high base attack damage, and strong channeled stun. He may be slow, but his strength and power make up for his lack of agility. |
Johanna: An excellent choice for most musical arrangements. She is a pain to play against as a tank due to her high health pool, immunity to damage from Iron Skin, and invisibility from Shield Glare. As an added bonus, she has excellent wave clear compared to any other tank. |
Raynor: Among the least risky Heroes to draft. With Raynor, there is very little wiggle room. He has insane damage after his rework, his Raider is incredibly annoying, and his knockback/heal gives him a lot of survivability for a ranged assassin. |
FenixHighly adaptable equipment that can deal high sustained damage, provide protection from enemy attacks, poke, and clear waves with ease. There isn’t much he can’t do, and with Warp he can get himself out of just about any jam. Because his passive shields last a long time, he can be played effectively in the solo lane. |
Leoric: Leoric’s drain hope ability makes him a formidable foe for heroes with a lot of health. At level 13, he can begin reducing the damage the enemy team takes with his Ominous Wraith talent, or he can become a frontline monster with Spectral Leech as the game progresses. |
Malfurion:Malfurion is a reliable healer who can be used in almost any roster. He can lock down enemies or keep allies alive no matter how deep they dive as long as he gives them Regrowth first and then uses Entangling Roots to heal them. |
Mei:Mei is a disruptive tank with slows, blinds, knockbacks, and heroics who is difficult to kill. Intervene to halt the enemy’s progress or create openings for your team to kill them. |
Muradin: Muradin, the ever-dependable Warrior, is a safe and sound choice with minimal risk. His stun is always useful, and he has plenty of health to spare if he needs to jump back into a team fight. |
Tassadar: Tassadar is an effective long-range assassin who can exert pressure on the opposing team. Stay at a safe distance and poke at your foes to deal steady damage. As he is unable to move quickly, mobile tanks should be avoided lest they trap you. |
Tychus: Although he has lost some of his power, Tychus is still a potent Hero against teams with multiple high-health targets. Minigun poses a serious threat to enemies who find themselves within his relatively short range, as he can quickly rip through any target, no matter how large. |
Alexstrasza: Alexstrasza is primarily about the strength of her Trait, despite the fact that she lacks burst healing in human form. It gives her the ability to heal her teammates quickly and effectively, which can turn the tide of any team fight. When combined with the barrage of her Heroic, Cleansing Flame, she can often single-handedly carry her team through any fight. |
Anub’arak: A powerful warrior who, thanks to his spell armor and beetles, is immune to spell damage and skillshots. If you need to take an opponent out of the fight, Cocoon is a great CC option. Fails to recover quickly from a lot of physical punishment. |
Arthas: Sustain yourself well thanks to Death Coil and Army of the Dead. This guy has great CC thanks to his root and slow in Howling Blast and Frozen Tempest. Extremely clumsy, unable to easily initiate or escape conflict. |
Auriel: The strength of Auriel’s provider is a minor factor in her abilities. It can be challenging if her partner doesn’t help out when she needs it because she’ll have to step up to the plate. However, when she has a lot of juice to work with, she can produce some serious healing. In matchups with dive and/or high burst compositions, her knockback and Crystal Aegis are also very useful. |
Cassia: Cassia is a reliable option for most teams, as she deals a lot of sustained damage and has a lot of effective health thanks to her armor. She struggles against CC kill comps but runs rampant against those with no or little CC. |
Deckard: Excellent AoE CC and incredible sustain. A reliable and complete physician. The passive armor and potions he can throw at his own feet make him surprisingly tanky for a support. |
Diablo: A tank that always makes its foes watch where they stand in relation to the walls. Diablo is a reliable pick for most teams due to his high health, decent sustain, and all-in potential. |
Falstad: Falstad is still a formidable Hero, even if he hasn’t been used as often recently. The global soak that Mighty Gust provides can be very helpful in gaining a significant experience advantage, ensuring his continued usefulness. |
Genji: In addition to his formidable burst, Genji’s unparalleled agility makes him a real pain to deal with. Waiting for a window of opportunity to pounce on unsuspecting victims is sure to strike fear into the hearts of many of your enemies. |
Greymane: Greymane is a solid pick because of his safe, reliable, and powerful toolset. In either his Human or Worgen forms, he is capable of delivering a powerful burst of attack. He can quickly destroy buildings and clear waves of minions or mercenary camps without engaging in combat. |
Hogger: Strong tank with high area-of-effect damage output. If you get too far into Hogg Wild, you might have a hard time getting out of there. |
Jaina: Jaina relies on chained CC to deal massive burst damage despite her relatively harsh cooldowns. Her powerful wave clear frees up your team to focus on other tasks. It’s not uncommon for her to have to get dangerously close to her target before unleashing her full rotation, but with proper positioning and peels, she’s capable of unleashing devastating burst damage. |
Junkrat: When it comes to poking and area denial, Junkrat has few equals. His AoE damage over time is impressive, and the burst damage from RIP Tire can be devastating. If used correctly, Junkrat’s Concussion Mine can either save his life or the lives of his allies. |
Kerrigan: A high-risk, high-reward melee assassin with a devastating E-W combo. Use this combination to your advantage, as it provides the bulk of her power. |
Li Li: The fact that most of Li Li’s abilities target themselves makes her an incredibly accessible healer. She’s a failsafe pick for new Healers because she consistently puts in a solid performance without ever truly shining. |
Li-Ming: If no foes are in her way, Li-Ming can follow up her CC with a very high burst. Given her Teleport ability, she can be challenging to kill and difficult to corner. |
Lucio: With his agility and Q knockback, Lucio is a very risk-free healer. His healing in combat isn’t great, but he makes up for it by giving his team increased movement speed, which they can use to dodge attacks or reposition themselves. |
Lunara:Due to her poison’s high sustained damage, Lunara is a good choice. Her lack of burst makes it difficult for her poison to instantly kill enemies, but it can inflict massive amounts of damage over time. With this kind of damage over time, she can force her opponents to retreat rather than trying to kill them, which can be just as effective. |
Maiev: Unbelievable at creating massive openings for her team. When used effectively, her W tether can quickly pull enemies out of position, allowing your team to easily kill them. If you draft her with a Hero that has area-of-effect capabilities, she can prime them for a huge flurry of attacks. Can achieve S-level potential if handled properly.
Look here:Cleaning a Motorcycle Engine: The Most Effective (and Affordable) Methods |
Mal’ganis: His health, protection, and agility are all top-notch. While Mal’ganis has difficulty holding his opponents, he is able to put them under pressure with his constant damage and healing. |
Malthael: For the most part, Malthael can easily take out enemy heroes with a lot of health. Because of his cleave autoattack, he can swiftly destroy hordes of minions and entire camps with ease. His AOE power is still very high despite the fact that he has obvious counters and significantly less damage than he used to have. |
MephistoMephisto’s incredible diving ability allows his team to put tremendous pressure on the opposition. Assuming your team keeps enemies away from your return point, Shade of Mephisto will allow him to deal significant AoE damage while remaining extremely safe to use. |
Orphea: Powerful initial burst, incredible sustained damage, and excellent mobility provided the Q is landed. When Orphea sees a kill opportunity, she can quickly chunk enemies for a ton of health with her W after using her auto attacks, Q and E, to deal strong sustained damage. |
Qhira: With a high skill ceiling and floor, she can be a lethal melee assassin in the right hands. Superior attack speed, health bar, and mobility. Possibly of the A-grade if handled properly. |
Ragnaros: In any case, a respectable showing on the map. It is in the Infernal Shrines where Ragnaros truly shines. Your team will have a sizable advantage thanks to his Molten Core, which can steal half of the needed minions with relative ease. |
Rehgar: Because of his damage and utility, Rehgar will remain useful even if he doesn’t have the best healing. His wave clear isn’t what it used to be, but between Lightning Shields and Ghost Wolf lunges, he can still deal a lot of damage. |
Rexxar: A potent option on maps like Dragonshire and Braxis Holdout. Dealing with a skilled Rexxar player can be a major pain. Misha can take a lot of abuse, he and Rexxar deal a lot of damage over time, and he can easily solo lane. |
Stitches: Stitches and a shrewdly-placed Hook still have a shot at making the game-winning pick in the final minutes. Despite his lack of CC, he is capable of decent sustained damage if he is able to remain in the action. He may not see the same value as other tanks if Hooks are rarely landed. |
Stukov: If you need a reliable Support who can seal off an area, look no further than Stukov. He can be challenging to deal with due to the combination of his Healing Pathogen and the area-of-effect silence of Lurking Arm. Both of his heroics give him a means of retaliation against those who would seek to close the distance between him and himself. |
Sonya: As an off tank, Sonya can inflict devastating damage and put the pressure on her enemies with her damage and sustain. If you don’t care about CC and just want to deal damage, she’s one of the best solo laners. |
Sylvanas: Ability to completely shut down structures will always be valuable, and on Battlegrounds with objectives that push lanes, Sylvanas can end games very quickly. While she isn’t quite as safe as Raynor, her high sustained damage makes her a viable option for the backline. |
Thrall: As a result of his high sustain and single-target damage, he makes for a reliable solo laner. With either Heroic, Thrall is a formidable force in team battles, capable of dramatically shifting the tide of battle. |
Uther: Although Uther lacks strong sustain, he makes up for it with excellent burst healing and is one of the few heroes who can lock down enemies for over 2 seconds on his own. His Trait, especially at level 20, and the armor buff he receives from healing mean that he can help his team even if he dies. I recommend this pick when facing teams that either intend to dive or possess either a strong CC combo or a high amount of direct damage. |
Whitemane: A one-of-a-kind healer who, in order to heal, must first inflict harm on enemy heroes. She has trouble with teams that heavily dive and poke, but she’s a good pick for the standard battle. Can be very tricky to position when using as a healer. |
Yrel: The damage Yrel deals if she is left unchecked is high, but she is vulnerable to crowd control. Her damage, slows, and knockback can cause problems for her foes. |
Zarya:When fully charged, Zarya provides enormous sustain for her team via her shields and high damage. If you can pull off her role, she’s a refreshing and lucrative protagonist. |
Zeratul: His acceleration is tremendous, and he is also very agile. With the new delay before Wormhole can teleport back, his enemies now have time to react to his damage and look to CC him, making him a powerful but not unstoppable hero. |
Zul’jin: A deadly assassin with incredible sustained damage potential if left alone in combat. Zul’jin can be a tough opponent for heroes who can get the upper hand in a fight because of his poor mobility and stamina. |
Artanis: An all-or-nothing Warrior who either wins or dies in team combat. Artanis functions admirably as an off-tank. His Phase Prism combo is difficult to land consistently without a lot of practice, but once you’ve mastered it and learned to identify key targets with ease, he becomes a formidable opponent. |
Azmodan: While Azmodan excels at pushing lanes in objective-heavy battlegrounds and his stacked Globe of Annihilation can eat a significant portion of any Hero’s health, he doesn’t contribute much else to his team. |
Brightwing: As a result of her extensive travels, Brightwing continues to have an advantage in large Battlegrounds. Due to her passive healing style, she often has trouble keeping her allies alive, but she can be a real pain in the neck for Polymorph. |
Chromie: Chromie deals constant damage from a distance, but she sometimes has trouble hitting her most important targets. Her slow movement makes it hard for her to outrun rescue divers and heroic scavengers. |
D.Va: D.Va’s area denial from Self-Destruct makes her a popular pick because it keeps enemies at bay while your team concentrates on the objective. Unfortunately, outside of Self-Destruct, she doesn’t have much to offer and has trouble putting pressure on the opposing team. |
Gazlowe: After his makeover, he’s a compelling specimen of brute force. Keeping his obnoxious turrets and adding an area-of-effect stun and some tankier options to keep himself alive in the middle of fights. |
Illidan: Having a competent player control Illidan can be extremely annoying. Illidan’s high mobility, self-healing, and mitigation against basic attacks make him a useful pick against compositions that prioritize mobility or hard crowd control but lack both. |
Kharazim: Unlike most healers, Kharazim can also deal additional damage to aid in the destruction of the kill target. Despite having average sustain, he excels in dive compositions and can speed up fights thanks to his damage. |
Kel’Thuzad: Kel’Thuzad is a dangerous hero because of his difficult combos to pull off but high burst. Take cover until it’s time to strike so you can stay alive and deal maximum damage. |
Sgt. Morales:If given some space, Lt. Morales can be an effective healer. Her lack of sustained damage and healing for multiple targets makes her easy pickings for any composition that prioritizes mobility and diving. Any player can pick her up and do reasonably well, as she has a low skill ceiling and floor. |
Medivh:There will always be a need for a skilled Medivh player and for teammates to respond to your calls, but the game will remain niche and challenging. He’s a hero who needs a lot of practice before you can use him effectively. |
Nazeebo: This ranged assassin moves at a glacial pace and needs a lot of time to build up before they can strike. When he reaches level 20, he will pose a significant threat. |
Nova: Nova is a basic ranged assassin who relies heavily on her Snipe ability. Despite her slow speed, she is able to deal a substantial amount of burst damage, making her a viable kill target if nobody else is available. |
Samuro: Samuro is a formidable hero because his clones allow him to trick his foes. As a result, he can cause significant disruption in team fights and duels against nearly any hero. It’s important to watch out for abilities with area of effect, as they can quickly wipe out his clones and leave him defenseless. |
Major Hammer:With her arsenal of self-preservation gadgets and a solid support group by her side, Sgt. Hammer is able to exert considerable pressure on opponents and maintain command of most battlefield zones with relative ease. Sgt. Hammer has limited utility because of her slow movement and the fact that most teams prefer to pursue targets outside of her range, but she is extremely effective when surrounded by a supportive team. |
The Vanished Norsemen:TLV can be extremely repressive if used by the right people with the right maps. This means they require a large quantity of micro and a team familiar with playing with them in order to be worthwhile. |
Tracer: Because of her speed and damage, she is a pain to face in battle. Although she is challenging to play because of her low health, in the hands of a skilled player (especially when paired with Tassadar or Malfurion), she can become a potent force. |
Tyrael: Despite having low CC, Tyrael is a useful tank due to his access to shields and Sanctification. On maps like Cursed Hollow, where you’ll be engaging multiple bosses, he’s a popular pick. Generally speaking, he doesn’t do too well in battle, but he does help you secure areas very well. |
Tyrande: In the right hands, Tyrande can be a powerful healer for her team, but she needs to be able to auto attack reliably in order to heal. Because of this and her limited mobility, she has a hard time both consistently healing her team and avoiding harm. |
Valeera: Valeera is more of a nuisance than a serious danger due to her powerful silence, decent damage, and limited mobility. She is a good pick for taking out an important enemy, but she usually relies on her allies to help her get kills. |
Valla: If left unchecked, Valla is capable of incredible damage, but her low health bar makes her easy to quickly burst down. Incredibly effective when part of a team that can ensure her safety. |
Varian: Whether you build him with Taunt, Colossus Smash, or Twin Blades, Varian is a versatile bruiser/tank with a wide range of applications. There is room for all three playing styles in a variety of musical arrangements. |
Xul: Because of his slow movement, he can’t contribute much to team fights. While his experience gap is relatively large, his lane push is very strong, and on small Battlegrounds where he can rotate two lanes quickly, he can often secure a high experience lead. Unfortunately for Xul, he may have difficulty gaining ground on his adversaries if Medivh is not on his side. |
Zagara: Zagara excels at split-pushing, but her low mobility and damage output make it difficult for her to contribute in teamfights. |
Cho’gall: Cho’gall is a large, easy-to-spot target that can be destroyed with a concentrated effort. He takes significant damage from Tychus, Valla, Greymane, and Zul’jin, and he has a hard time dealing with crowds. He can cause a lot of havoc if his foes can’t hurt him, but he has a lot of bad matchups. |
Murky: Murky is having trouble because his health bar is ridiculously low. He can be killed quickly, his damage is negligible unless opponents stop his Octo-grab, and he doesn’t accomplish much so long as his lane is checked and cleared occasionally. Other heroes are both more powerful and more useful to have on your team in a fight. |
Probius: Probius’s lane sustain is unparalleled, but he is also very vulnerable and challenging to play effectively. His Pylons take a long time to set up and can be easily destroyed. Pylon Overcharge is cumbersome if you fail to account for his Pylons from the outset, but difficult to justify otherwise.
See also: Xem thêm:A Circle’s Diameter Calculator and Defination That Uses. |
Said the Butcher, “You’re butchering me.”When the Butcher is stacked and left alone, he is able to deal incredible damage, but he is a sitting duck in the middle of the enemy team if they use any form of crowd control. |
Hotter Stuff
Your attention to our HotS Tier List is appreciated. Subscribing to Ten Ton Hammer will help fund future updates. All the gory details are provided below. |
Gold: One Dollar US Monthly Premium: $5 USD per month Monthly Master: $10.00 USD Cost of being a Grandmaster: Twenty dollars per month For the Legendary, the monthly fee is $50 USD. |
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